• 96-well Viral RNA/DNA Extraction Kit

96-well Viral RNA/DNA Extraction Kit

  • 6 474,00Kč

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96-Well virové DNA / RNA extrakční sady poskytují rychlý a ekonomický způsob čištění virové DNA / RNA z buněčných vzorků, plazmidů aj. Celý proces trvá 40 minut. Více naleznete na stránkách výrobce Favorgen.

The FavorPrep™ 96-Well DNA/RNA Extraction Kit provides a high-throughout, rapid and economical method to purify viral DNA/RNA from cell-free samples, such as serum, plasma, body fluids and the supernatant of viral-infected cell culture. The steps of DNA/RNA binding, washing and elution can be processed on most common 96-well plate vacuum manifold and 96-well centrifuge rotors. The entire process can be completed within 60 minutes and the eluted DNA/RNA is ready-to-use for subsequent reactions.


Format/Principle: Filter plate (silica membrane)

Sample Size: Up to 200 µl serum, plasma, body fluids and the supernatant of cell cultures.

Plate Applicability: Centrifugation or vacuum

Operation Time: <60 mins/96 preparations

RNA Binding Capacity: ≤60 µg RNA/well


FAVRE 96001

96-well Viral RNA/DNA Extraction Kit  (1 plates)

FAVRE 96002

96-well Viral RNA/DNA Extraction Kit  (2 plates)

FAVRE 96004

96-well Viral RNA/DNA Extraction Kit  (4 plates)